Dear FIS TD’s,

Apparently, the new FIS TD Reporting  in your member section does not auto populate the TD Commissioner’s email address as it did in the old system forwarding your report to me, your commissioner.  I have asked Janez to investigate this and see if he can request FIS IT to make a modification to the reporting to auto populate the commissioner’s address.

Until that has been completed, I would ask that you add my email to the report when it is published and/or at minimum use the email feature as show below.  Click on View, the E-mail, then Forward Report and insert my E-mail address.

As you all know, I do review each report and until the auto population of my address is implemented in the system, it is important that you forward a copy to me.

Thank you.


Paul Van Slyke
FIS TD Commissioner
518-569-6999 Cell
518-523-4915 Office